Dr. Justin on the Somatic Wisdom Pod
Listen to the full podcast HERE
Greetings, seekers!
My new friend, author, coach, and podcast host Cristy De La Cruz, dedicates her podcast to a theme subscribers of this letter will recognize: embodied ways of knowing, or as, as she calls it, somatic wisdom.
Given how much we have in common, it wasn’t a surprise when our plan to focus the interview on the lightworker’s journey quickly sprawled into (many) other topics. The full episode title Cristy put together sums it up perfectly:
Obviously, we had a fun conversation–a little too much fun perhaps. So, if you’re hoping to track down particular topics, here are some time stamps:
6:20 - Starting and then quitting my advertising career
12:30 - Quarter-life crisis, car accident, rock bottom
19:30 - Vipassana meditation
29:33 - Teaching mindfulness
38:00 - Purpose vs. occupation
48:00 - Expansion vs. boundaries
53:45 - Understanding masculine and feminine energy
1:03:00 - The core tension of light work: being at the intersection of higher inspiration and Earthly reality.
If any of that sounds interesting, you’ll prob enjoy this pod on your next commute… or next few commutes.
If you like this and want more episodes of the Somatic Wisdom pod from Cristy, def go here and subscribe to her feed.
I’ve been busy, friends, but much more content is on the way.
‘Til then, safe travels,